divendres, 28 de maig del 2010


Now that I'm finishing first of Batxillerat, I have to start thinking about my future but actually I had to start it in a past because for this reason, now I've got a problem.
When I say that I've got a problem I'm refering to what can I do in the future. It means I don't know what career I'm going to do.
In my opinion it's better to know it before you start Batxillerat. I said this because when I finished 4th of ESO I didn't know anything and I chose the scientific because is the one that offers you more possibilities.
In some ways I am satisfied to have chosen it because one of my favourite careers is Biology. Also because I like the subjects I'm studying now like Chemistry, science of the Earth, Philosophy and more, apart from Maths.
But this year we went to different universities to get some information about careers. I went to a speak about Biology and to another speak about Journalism. The last one I liked it very much and it made a chaos in my head because before I prefered Biology but now I like both careers.
I can study journalism by the scientific Batxillerat but it would be better if I did the letter's one because some subjects they are doing also are in the career.
I would like to advice people from 4th of ESO that if they know what they are going to do it's perfect but if there's someone like me, because I'm a very indicisive person, I would recommend him or her to think a lot and, the most important thing, think about they want to do in a future.
I'm between Biology and Journalism, but I have to decide one of it early because next year I'm going to do second of Batxillerat and then I'll have very little time to think about it. So, this is my problem.

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