divendres, 28 de maig del 2010




1. What's it?

Child labour is a work done by a child.
This kind of work stops the child’s education and interrupts his develop. It’s a dangerous work for the well being of the children because they have to work in bad conditions, and sometimes they are like slaves. This is considered a human rights violation, but some countries tolerate it.
Child labour can have serious consequences like chronic diseases, wounds or chemical infections.
The children who work in these conditions are between five and fourteen years old, and as you know the legal age to start working is sixteen years old.

2. Unfortunately some countries tolerate it

Unfortunately some countries tolerate it. The countries which are in red have a thirty per cent or more child labour, and these countries are specially situated in Africa. But in orange we have the countries that have between ten and twenty-nine per cent of child labour and there are some of them in America and in Asia.
The other countries have less tan ten per cent and also there are places that don't have any child labour, for example our country.

A lot of countries have child labour but there are different kind of works and this is what we are going to talk aobut now.

3. Different types of child labour

In Africa the children have to work in diamond mines, they don’t wear any way of protection and they have to work with toxic products, they can’t stop of working for 20 hours and nobody pays them a salary. Also when a child is ill or hurt never receives help of a doctor, and because of it, their lives are very short.

Also, some children work on agriculture and start to work on it when they are five years old. Sometimes they have to go to distant farms and leave their families. They live in a dangerous and stressing way. In the farms, they live in bad conditions and if they try to runaway, they receive beatings. The most of the children work on agriculture.

In Africa, the child labour is based also on childs soldiers: They have to work as cooks of the army, and they have to participate in wars too, at the age of seven. They are too young to support the violence that they support. The children who work in the wars don’t have education and they haven’t got another option apart of the war.

Some children have to work in their homes, but sometimes even thought their parents beat them. It makes that these children can’t go to the school. Some of them receive a good tract, but others become slaves of their families. The majority of the times, they are girls, and some of them are just six years old.

And also there are children who work as slaves, childre who are victims of the traffic of drugs and arms, children forced into prostitution and into illegal activities.


*Do you know any organization wich works against child labour?

We think that is important to talk about a solution of this problem, so we are going to talk about an organization called UNICEF.

We suppose that most of you had heard from it at least one time because it’s a very important organization and the football players from the FCB sponsor it.

UNICEF was created on 1946 by the general meeting of the United Nations.
The first objective was help the child from Europe, after the second world war.
Now the main objectives are:
- Prevent the prostitution on the poorest places on the world, specially in Africa.
- In the education’s field the objective is that most of the children will be able to go to school. Specially girls.
- And also guarantee a good health and that they live in good conditions of sanity.


Finally, we had made a little conclusion to summarize this question:

We think that all the governments should do something for help all the children that is forced to do this kind of work, and make it safe. And they have to solve the sanity problems or stop the dangerous child labour.
The governments have to be sure that the children are far from the wars, because it’s very violent and dangerous. The main objective is that they can have a happy childhood and also a good adolescence, like children who live in develop countries.


This term we had done our oral presentation about social topics. My partner, Helena, and I had done it about child labour.

We used a powerpoint that had supported our presentation. Because this thime we hadn't include any text in any slide, only the title of each part. This powerpoint was only visual and in each slide there were more than one photo, so it was entertaining and nice to see.
In my opinion, the time it takes doesn't matter because the real importance is that you spend this time well. And I think that we had done that because we were brief and correct.

The visual contact was good because I was looking to the people all the time. In this presentation I didn't have to look at my notes at anytime, in this way I was really pleased because doing that, people notice that we have worked a lot on it and that we were very self-confidents. In my opinion I was very fluent and moreover I made a lot of movements and gestures maybe too many but, in this presentation less than the others. One gesture that I can't avoid is touching my hair when I'm nervous, I have to improve that.

In my view, the oral presentation was well organized because first we introduced what was child labour, second where we can find it, then the different types of works and we added a solution of this problem, so we talked about UNICEF and finally we made a little conclusion.
We didn't use many discouse makers because the way that the oral presentation was organiszed, didn't need these makers.

Most of the information we introduced was new for the people because I'm sure that they had heard something from it maybe in the news or maybe in the school but they didn't know a lot of questions of child labour.
All the information w put on the text was original because we looked it up from Internet and then we summarized it and also translated it with our words. It's a good way to work because then, you know what are you saying and you understand it.

I think that all the grammar and vocabulary were correct and right we used sentence linkers but in my opinion not too many. Some of the linking words we used were but, because, so, to conclude...
But we didn't use many pause fillers, some times I said well, so, for example...but not most of the time because we were very fluent.

In my opinion, I had a good pronunciation and I prononunced all the words well, well, maybe I pronounced some wrong because when you are talking is easy to make mistakes. In spite of this, I think that most of the words were well pronounced because before doing the oral presentation, I looked up on a online dictionary how to pronounce them.
I changed my tone of voice because I'm very expressive and this is what I usually do.
This time I was better than the other times because I spoke slowly because I was practising it at home and in addition, I didn't speak with breaks or interrumptions.

To conclude I think that I improved my oral presentation in many ways specially in the pronunciation, also in speakins slower, I was less nervous... So, in my opinion I can get an 8.5 or more.

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