dimecres, 3 de març del 2010


I will introduce this question by an example, the example of Frankenstein. Doctor Frankenstein put life in a dead body with electricity because he wanted to create a new creature. But when the horrible thing took life, Frankenstein realized that he created a monster. So, this is an example of how the less of knowledge about a question can bring fatal consequences.

In some ways the experiments on human life will make our life better. For example if scientists experiment with humans to find a cure for diseases. That will be an important discovery that can save a lot of lives. Also it’s good because we can create another way of life like different creatures who will help us in a future and will make us happier.

In other ways, this type of experiments are very dangerous, so scientist must be very careful and before to putting this in practice they have to work very hard on it. If they don’ know what will happen, it’s the same that happened to Frankenstein, that he had a good intention but the result was different from what he was waiting for.

In my opinion these experiments can be fatal, so I think that before doing the experiments, scientists have to investigate more aspects about this question. In conclusion it’s not necessary to put limits if scientists know what they are doing.

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