dimecres, 3 de març del 2010


It’s a very important time for everybody because it’s when you see people that you haven’t seen for ages, you meet with all the family, you have got days off, it’s when people make traditional things like the three wise men, the father Christmas, the crib, the Christmas tree, the “Pastorets” ( it’s a play about angels and devils, it’s typical from Catalonia), the boxing day…
Those are days of happiness.
IN my case, I pass some Christmas days with my mother and another days with my father because they are divorced.
With my father we make the “tió” to drop presents. Tió is a small tree trunk with the face and the typical catalan hat (“the barretina”). With a stick you hit it and you wish for a present and normally the present you wish drops down. Now I’m too big to make that but my little sister, called Emma, is six years old and she is very excited. But this year I noticed something strange on her behaviour because she looked happy but in fact, the things that she was waiting for were only the presents. I think that she knew something about the truth of the tió. In stead, when we celebrated the three wise men it was the opposite because she was really nervous the night before the kings came and I don’t think that she had discovered anything.
I like very much be with my little sister in these special occasions because she sees Christmas with other eyes than the adults. Another reason is that when you are with child, in some ways, you live again these days with the same happiness.
This few free days had passed very fast for me because every day I did a different thing. I couldn’t be at hoe more than two hours because I got stressed. This happened to me because I’m a very nervous person and when I see that I’ve got a day off to do everything I want, I need to do it.
But this year I was a little upset because we had got less free days than the other years.
In spite of all, I spend a really good time with the people who I love and they make e very happy in these special days for everyone because it’s time to be with a lot of people, not alone.

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