dimecres, 3 de març del 2010


Before, I went camping every year.
I went here with my best friend Ariadna and also with some people of my town. Besides, I knew them.
But in the camp not only were people from Castelló, there were people from many places of Catalonia like Granollers, Olot, Girona, Montcad, Sant Hilari…
This camp was called Iaeden and the people who organized this was fantastic, they were very natural and sincere, they were a bit hippy. In each camp we had four or five monitors. The best ones that I’ve had are Kosku, Albert, Sara, Adrià, Oriol and Bonjo.
Every year we went to different places. The first time I went there, we went to Aigües Tortes, the second time we went to L’Albera…
All the places where we stayed for two weeks were in the middle of the nature, without electricity, it means without mobile phones, internet, television… I like it for that reason, because you feel free of all the city stress. It’s time to disconnect from your worries.

There we did a lot of activities all the time. And every year while we were camping, we left for two days and we went to another site where we would spend one night, like when we went to l’Albera we made this little excursion to the Puig Neulós, a mountain near there. I remember this day very well because we had to arrive there on foot and I and some girls and boys were the last and at least, we arrived to the top but not everyone was satisfied with us because other people were waiting for us for three hours!!!

For the tasks, we had to split up in a few groups. Every day each group had a different task. The tasks were making the meals, throw the rubbish, clean the camp, clean the things we called toilets, organized the activities…

We didn’t have showers so we went to rivers near our camp and we washed ourselves there. It was very funny because we jumped into the water from a place that was like a diving board.

The best thing about this was the fantastic people that I’ll always carry them in my heart.

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