dissabte, 27 de febrer del 2010


I'm a sixteen years old girl, I love and play volleyball but I'm very upset with the MEDIA.
Volleyball is a really nice sport. Is a team sport with no more than nine or ten players, only six players can play at one time. This sport is often played by girls and boys but boys are the most popular and they are the once who appears on TV.
I want to complain the little importance given to some sports like handball, volleyball, hockey, badminton...
The other day I was reading a sport newspaper and when I arrived at the last page I thought That's all? Because in all the newspaper I didn't see anything about the sport I'm interested in (volley), only appeared articles about football, basketball and CYCLING!!! Is cycling a very important sport?
It happens the same on TV, in the news only speaks about football and a few times about another sport.
Sometimes I've seen a volleyball match on TV but it was a match with man teams and the channel showed it at a very late time.
In my case, I also noticed this in my town. The people who played volley here, need to pay an amount every month and if we need something of material like new balls, new nets...or something about playing strips also we need to help the club to pay it. But in football is really different the clubs pay the players!!! and the town hall gives them money for all the equipment they need. It's unfair.

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