diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2009



HI, I’m Júlia
I’m going to talk about my summer but my summer was involved with my job, so I’m going to talk about AQUABRAVA ( the place where I had worked).
I suppose that most of you know it and have been there at least one time.

Aquabrava is an aquatic park near Roses, about 10 minutes from here. It’s only open on summer and many people goes there but not only people from here, people from different sites like France, Deutschland, England, etc.

There are many different jobs you can do, lifeguard, waiter, cook, maintenance, cleaning…
I was one of the lifeguards, we were a lot of them and there were 2 groups.

There was a special timetable, that was divided between mornings and afternoons. In the mornings we worked from (half past nine) 9:30 to (half past two) 2:30 and in the afternoons we worked from (half past two) 2:30 to (seven o’clock) 7:00. Every week you changed the turn with the other group, so when our group worked mornings, the other group worked afternoons and viceversa.
We work everyday and it was very tiring because we didn’t have a day off to have break with friends or family.

There were about 20 pools and slides like “pentaglisse”, “anaconda”, “kid’s pool” and more slides and every week we watch a different pool.
My favourite pool was the one with waves because there were more lifeguards and you could talk with each other.
All the lifeguards love this pool but the black hole slide was hated by everyone.

I’ll show you some photos:

The people were very friendly and pleasant, they were fantastics. The best thing about it is that I made many good friends.
But I had a very bad impression of the bosses, and sometimes of the managers.
In spite of all we had a really good time.

Every so often we had suppers together and it was when we had the most enjoyable time because after we when to the disco’s.
Here is a photo of one of the suppers, you can see by the faces that we are all happy.

In conclusion it was a good summer in some ways but not in others and as you can imagine the time flew past.


My presentation is about where I had worked this summer, it’s Aquabrava, an aquatic park. I explain a little about how I did there.

I have used a PowerPoint to support my presentation. I think that this resource was very OK because I hadn’t put any text on it, only images and it was more entertaining. The thing that failed was the time, because my timing was four minutes and it must be between five and seven minutes. When I practised at home the length of my presentation was more than five minutes but the day I did it, I only lasted less of four minutes.

I was looking almost all the time at the people, only one moment I had to read my notes because my mind had being white, but it was a very little pause, I think that somebody didn’t notice it.
I did a lot of gestures, I think that I did to much movement because I’m a nervous person, imagine how I was at the presentation, so I was twice as nervous.

I think that my presentation was very organized because first, I made a little introduction of I would tell them, also I explained the timetable, how we worked and the different sites of the aquatic park, then I showed them some photos and I told them what we did after work, finally I made a little conclusion. Bun in my opinion the text needed more connectors.

I introduced a lot of new information, because most of them have been there to Aquabrava but I suppose that anybody knew how we worked there. My information was OK and clear, it was easy to understand because also I give them some examples like when we changed the timetable I told them how we did it detailed. The information is original and I don’t search it in any site because I knew all the information that I need to do it because it’s a thing that I had lived.

I think that the text was rich in grammar and vocabulary. The verbs were in the correct tense, the sentences where well structured, I used good words, etc. But I used little pause fillers because I think that I didn’t get stuck.

In my opinion I had a good pronunciation because I practice it before with my friends and with my classmate that correct me. I changed my tone of voice and I was very fluent because I didn’t speed with breaks and to separate the paragraphs I made little pauses.

Summarizing I think that I did a good presentation but are aspects that I need to improve like speak lowly, make more pauses, make less movements, don’t touch my hair all the time ( it’s a quirk that I have), improve mi pronunciation, etc.
I think that I can get more of seven points.

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