diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2009



Once upon a time there was a girl called Rosalie. She was almost perfect, she was very beautiful, she was good on her job, she was a good daughter and also a good friend, she was really friendly and generous… but she had a defect, she was very, very clumsy. Everywhere she went happened bad things to her, for example, when she went to the restaurants she always broke glasses and dishes, when she walks she always fell down, when she went shopping the alarm always rang but she never had stolen anything, when she had an important meeting she always was late, when she caught the bus she always went to a wrong destination and more things like these.
But one day while she was walking down the street to her job she found a clover, but it was really strange. A clover in the middle of the city?
In spite of all she picked up it and brought it with her all the day. The day was fantastic, only good things had happened: her boss had increased her pay, she met the man of her dreams, she didn’t fell down anytime, her friends bought her a present four her generosity, her parents made a surprise visit to her, etc.
She thought that she was dreaming because it was impossible that everything went right from day to day.
She arrived at home. She was very tired, while she was thinking the reason about her luck, she felt asleep. When she woke up she banged herself against the table. She fell asleep on the sofa and while she was sleeping she fell down of it.
The bad luck returned to her. During the day, the most embarrassing things happened to her like when she went to the bathroom and a piece of paper got caught in her shoe; a dog had a pee on her leg; she stepped a dog’s poo; while she was walking, she crashed into a person and all her notes spreaded; while she was passing across the zebra crossing, the traffic light went red…
Days passed and everything was like before, but one day she had good luck during all of it but not only this day, more days.
It was really strange because all her life she had a lot of bad luck but now she had both lucks, the bad and the good luck. Thinking and thinking, she came to a conclusion. The thing that has changed her luck was the clover. She searched the clover but she didn’t found it, so she tries to remember where she put the clover the day she found it. The memory had worked, the clover was in her red coat pocket. She discovered that the days she wear the red coat she has good luck because the clover was in the pocket. So, the rest of her life she brought the magic clover with her.
I only have include one of the three compositions because in my opinion this is the best one and the one that it's more rich in vocabulary. Also because the question of this composition is a fairy tale, so I made a funny and simple fairy tale and I think that it's very good and entertaining.

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