dissabte, 21 de novembre del 2009

The "Gripe A"

I'm gonna talk about an epidemic, the "Gripe A".
It started being called swain fever and now it's called "Gripe A". People have talked a lot about this question but the population is mix up.
Some important people (also the news) say that "Gripe A" is worse than the normal flu that we got every winter. But then you hear that "Gripe A" is not as bad. We have to come to a conclusion, are they similar or one is worse than the other?
Before when people died from the flu no body talked about it because the people who died had health problems or they were very old or very young. Now when people died from the "Gripe A" it appears on many places like newspapers, television, magazines... but what many people don't realize is that the majority of them had grave health problems too.
Maybe it's worse or maybe it isn't, bu one thing I'm certain is that the "Gripe A" with the flu, thw mixture of the two flus could be fatal in the coldest countries and also here because the winter is near. It will be a problem but now, luckily, the vaccine has arrived to the chemist's shops. But now the question is will they be enough vaccine for everybody?

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