dissabte, 21 de novembre del 2009

Books and films

I've just finished a book called New moon, it's the following par of Twilight. The book is about a love story with a vampire and a human. The story is really interesting because many strange things happens. The book is wrote with a lot of details and passion, so the writer manages to pass her feelings to us through her sentiments. I like itmore than the first book. Also there is a film of Twilight (the first part) but I don't like it so much because in my opinion the film has a lot of special effects and ther are things that are a bit different from the book.
In Generally happens that from every book becomes a film wich doesn't transmit the same visual felling as the book. The books are good because you have to use your imagination and everything that you read cannot be included in a film. Also the book has more details then the film. In the book you fell part of the plot and the story but of course in the film you are an unlooker.
I think most of you will agree with me if you have read a book and then watched the film.

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